Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Direct and Indirect

Direct and Indirect

Conversation (direct speech) is a form of direct speech. This sentence also called quoted speech
Direct conversations conducted using one word according to what he said.
We use quotes to say sentences which we quote, for example:
a) "Let` s celebrate, "she said," our victory. "
b) "May I join your?" he asked
c) "I haven` t played that game. "
d) "I was taking a bath"
e) "We had taken the wrong turn."

Conversations indirectly (indirect speech) called also reported speech. In stating what other people usually do not use the phrase spoken (direct speech), but use indirect conversation.
There are several things that must be changed when changing the conversation directly into indirect conversation:
1) Promina (I, you, she, he, we, they) and ownership (my self, your self, herself, themself)
• Martin asked, "Would you watch a movie with me?"
• Martin asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him
2) The time (tenses) usually occurs through direct conversations more remote than when we share it with other people.
Examples of indirect speech:
a) She said she hadn `t plated the game
b) I was sure we would survive
c) I told her that she could choose

 Indirect Question
Direct speech. "When will you sleep /"
He asked me when I would sleep.

Direct and indirect speech consists of 3 types:
1) Statement (statement)
2) Command (command)
3) Question (question)

1) Statement
In indirect statement. We use that word (that) as a liaison between the introductory sentence (introductory phrase) and the words were reported (reported words). Introductory sentences in indirect statement is
He said
He said to me that = reported words
He told me
a) Mary told herfriend; (I have been to Bali twice)
b) Mary told her friends that she had been to Bali twice

a) Father said: (I am going out of town tomorrow)
b) Father said that he was going out of town the following day

a) Mary told John: (my father warned me last night)
b) Mary told John that her father had warned her the night before

a) My sister said to me: (I don `t like tennis)
b) My sister said to me that she didn `t like tennis

a) Tom said: (I didn `t go to school this morning)
b) Tom said that he hadn `t gone to school that morning

If the introductory sentence in the form of the simple present tense, the sentence which reported no change.
a) John say `s: {I will go to Bandung tomorrow}
b) John says that he will go to London tomorrow

a) Mary `s say; {i have seen that movie}
b) Mary `s say that she has seen that movie

a) My brother say `s: {I met Tom at the party last night}
b) My brother `s say that he met Tom at the party last night

a) Tom say `s: {I don` t like english}
b) Tom `s say that he doesn` t like english

2) Command (command)
 Command is divided into 2 (two) parts: 
1) Positive command
2) Negative command

• 1) Positive command
In the command we add to positive in front of the command line. As a liaison between the introductory sentence and orders reported in the introductory sentences of this type are:
He asked me
He told me
To + infinitive
a) He asked me (open your book)
b) He asked me to open my book

a) Mary told me: (stop talking to jane)
b) Mary told me to stop talking to jane

a) asked John Mather; (Pay attention to what I say0
b) mather asked to John to pay attention to what she says

a) John told Mary; (Wait untill I come)
b) John told Mary to wait untill he come

a) The teacher said to the student: (Be quiet while I am talking)
b) The teacher told the student to be quiet while he is talking

• 2) Negative Command
In negative commands us not to add the commands with the reported
Mary told John: (Don `t wait for me)
Mary told John not to wait for her

a) I told him; (Don `t mention it to anyone)
b) I told him not to mention it to anyone

a) Father asked her; (Don `t go there alone0
b) Father told her not to go there alone

a) Ira asked Tom: (Don `t come to my house again)
b) Ira asked Tom not to come to her house again

a) asked John Mather; (Don `t smoke to much)
b) John Mather asked not to smoke to much

3) Question (question)
Ask, Not say or tell, is used to report yes / no questions.
Yes / no Question Noun Clause
Sam said to me, "Are you hungry?" Sam asked me if I was hungry.
Sam said to Jane, "Are you hungry?" Sam asked Jane if she was hungry

Incorect: Sam asked me that I was hungry
If, not that, is used after ask to intruduce a noun clause
- Sam asked me if I was hungry.
Sam asked me Whether I was hungry
Whether has the same meaning as if. (See chart 14-4 for the use of or not)
- Sam asked if I was hungry
The (pro) noun object (eg, me) may be omitted after ask
- Sam wanted to know if I was hungry
- Sam wondered if I was hungry
- Sam inquired Whether or not I was hungry
In addition to ask, yes / no questions can be reported by using want to know, wonder, and inquire.


Percakapan langsung (direct speech) adalah bentuk kalimat langsung. Kalimat ini biasa disebut juga quoted speech
Percakapan langsung dilakukan dengan menggunakan perkataan seseorang sesuai dengan yang ia ucapkan.
Kita gunakan tanda petik untuk mengatakan kalimat yang kita kutip, contoh :
a) “Let`s celebrate,” she said,”our victory.”
b) “May I join your?” he asked
c) “I haven`t played that game.”
d) “I was taking a bath”
e) “We had taken the wrong turn.”

Percakapan tidak langsung (indirect speech) biasa disebut juga reported speech. Dalam menyatakan perkataan orang lain biasanya kita tidak menggunakan kalimat yang diucapkannya (direct speech), tetapi menggunakan percakapan tidak langsung.
Ada beberapa hal yang harus dirubah pada saat mengubah percakapan langsung menjadi percakapan tidak langsung :
1) Promina (I, you, she, he, we, they) dan kepemilikan (my self, your self, herself, themself)
• Martin asked, “Would you watch a movie with me?”
• Martin asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him
2) Bentuk waktu (tenses) percakapan langsung biasanya terjadi lebih lampau dibandingkan saat kita menceritakannya kembali kepada orang lain.
Contoh indirect speech :
a) She said she hadn`t plated the game
b) I was sure we would survive
c) I told her that she could choose

 Indirect Question
Direct speech.” When will you sleep/”
He asked me when I would sleep.

Direct &indirect speech terdiri dari 3 jenis :
1) Statement (pernyataan)
2) Command (perintah)
3) Question (pertanyaan)

1) Statement
Dalam indirect statement. Kita menggunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar (introductory phrase) dan kata-kata yang dilaporkan (reported words). Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam indirect statement ialah
He said
He said to me that=reported words
He told me
Example :
a) Mary told herfriend ;(I have been to bali twice)
b) Mary told her friends that she had been to Bali twice

a) Father said : (I am going out of town tomorrow)
b) Father said that he was going out of town the following day

a) Mary told John : (my father warned me last night)
b) Mary told John that her father had warned her the night before

a) My sister said to me : (I don`t like tennis)
b) My sister said to me that she didn`t like tennis

a) Tom said: (I didn`t go to school this morning)
b) Tom said that he hadn`t gone to school that morning

Apabila kalimat pengantarnya dalam bentuk simple present tense, maka kalimat yang dilaporkan tidak mengalami perubahan.
Example :
a) John say`s : {I will go to bandung tomorrow}
b) John says that he will go to Bandung tomorrow

a) Mary say`s ; {i have seen that film}
b) Mary say`s that she has seen that film

a) My brother say`s : {I met Tom at the party last night}
b) My brother say`s that he met Tom at the party last night

a) Tom say`s : {I don`t like english}
b) Tom say`s that he doesn`t like english

2) Command (perintah)
 Command dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) bagian yaitu :Ø
1) Positive command
2) Negative command

• 1) Positive command
Dalam perintah positive kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya. Sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan perintah yang dilaporkan kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam jenis ini ialah :
He asked me
He told me
To + infinitive
E.g :
a) He asked me ( open your book)
b) He asked me to open my book

a) Mary told me : (stop talking to jane)
b) Mary told me to stop talking to jane

a) Mather asked John ; ( Pay attention to what I say0
b) mather asked to John to pay attention to what she says

a) John told mary ; ( Wait untill I come)
b) John told Mary to wait untill he come

a) The teacher said to the student : (Be quiet while I am talking)
b) The teacher told the student to be quiet while he is talking

• 2) Negative Command
Dalam perintah negative kita tambahkan not to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan
E.g :
Mary told John : (Don`t wait for me)
Mary told John not to wait for her

a) I told him ; (Don`t mention it to anyone)
b) I told him not to mention it to anyone

a) Father asked her ; (Don`t go there alone0
b) Father told her not to go there alone

a) Ira asked Tom : (Don`t come to my house again)
b) Ira asked Tom not to come to her house again

a) Mather asked John ; (Don`t smoke to much)
b) Mather asked John not to smoke to much

3) Question (pertanyaan)
Ask, Not say or tell, is used to report yes/no questions.
Yes/no Question Noun Clause
Sam said to me, “Are you hungry?” Sam asked me if I was hungry.
Sam said to jane, “Are you hungry?” Sam asked Jane if she was hungry

Incorect : Sam asked me that I was hungry 
If, not that, is used after ask to intruduce a noun clause
- Sam asked me if I was hungry.
Sam asked me whether I was hungry
Whether has the same meaning as if. (see chart 14-4 for the use of or not)
- Sam asked if I was hungry
The (pro) noun object (e.g.,me) may be omitted after ask
- Sam wanted to know if I was hungry
- Sam wondered if I was hungry
- Sam inquired whether or not I was hungry
In addition to ask, yes/no questions can be reported by using want to know, wonder, and inquire.

Buku Cerdas Tata Bahasa Inggris, Redaksi Bukune, Bukune
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J Lado, Titik Terang

Example Question

1.       Jim said, “ I am sleepy”
2.       Sally said, “ I don’t like chocolate”
3.       Marry said, “ I am planning to take a trip”
4.       Tom said, “ I have already eaten lunch”
5.       Kate said, “ I called my doctor”
6.       Mr. Nice said, “ I am going to go to Chicago”
7.       Eric said, “ I will come to the meeting”
8.       Jean said, “ I may go to the library”
9.       Tead said, “ I have to finish my work”
10.   Ms. Young said, “ I must talk to professor”
11.   Jessica said, “ I may go to library”
12.   Alice said, “ I should visit my aunt and uncle”

1.       Jim said that he was sleepy
2.       Sally said that she didn’t like chocolate
3.       Marry said that she was planning to take a trip
4.       Tom said that he had already eaten lunch
5.       Kate said that she had called my doctor
6.       Mr. Nice said that he was going to go to Chicago
7.       Eric said that he would come to the meeting
8.       Jean said that she might go to the library
9.       Tead said that he had to finish my work
10.   Ms. Young said that she had to talk to professor
11.   Jessica said that she might go to library
12.   Alice said that she should visit her aunt and uncle

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